Sign Peace Plan A

By entering your name and email below, you are pledging to live out and uphold the following statement: "I will not be an a-hole."

The Peace Plan A, No A-Holes logo animated.
The manifesto of Peace Plan A, No A-Holes.


This movement will change your life and change the world. Blah blah blah.

You've heard it a hundred times.

But Peace Plan A really is different. Read this short manifesto and see if you agree.

A-vangelize for Peace Plan A.


Once you sign Peace Plan A (just your name and email is all it takes) you'll want to spread the word ... by using just one letter. That's the point, really. Achieving an a-hole-free world in our lifetimes means sharing that clever little hole-less "A" with everyone you know. Even those you don't. Ready to A-vangelize? Here are some ideas to get you started.

No A-Holes 2024 in the U.S. election for president, congress, and state and local officials.


Here's a challenge: bring peace and harmony to politics. Here's the solution (to paraphrase Shakespeare): "The first thing we do is, let's convert all the a-holes." Read on here.

Shop Peace Plan A and No A-Holes t-shirts, hoodies, buttons, yard signs and more.


Peace Plan A/No A-Holes is our best hope for real world peace, and the best way to spread the word is by promoting the letter: the hole-less "A" of Peace Plan A/No A-Holes. T-shirts, buttons, yard signs, and other clothing and accessories are the tangible path toward making it happen. Visit the shop here.


Peace Plan A was invented to achieve true world peace through a practical yet powerful two-line form that allows individuals to pledge to not be a-holes. No A-Holes™ is a revolutionary new peace symbol (the hole-less "A") and rallying cry for Peace Plan A signatories to A-vangelize others to do the same. Once the world population signs, we will live in a peaceful, civil, harmonious, a-hole-free world. Easy.
