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Signing Peace Plan A is only the beginning. Here are some ideas for spreading the word ... about the letter.

Who'd've Signed?

Honorary signatories of the past who would have been so on board with Peace Plan A.


The Peace Plan A Font

The official alphabet of a post-a-hole world.

Download this FREE font, install it on either a Mac or PC, then use it to share the vision of an a-hole-free world in your everyday documents.

The Original Concept

The beginning of a movement, 2010.


I'm pretty sure I designed the very first holeless "A" No A-Holes™ icon in 2009, but this design from 2010 is the earliest file I can find in my archives. I'm an ad guy, writer and designer by trade, so noodling around in sketchpads and design programs is right up there as a required duty in the job description. This one-letter icon and the simple, civilization-altering pledge it inspired, came about as a creative meandering from the primary task at hand, its details I've long forgotten. After creating the foundational elements of the brand, and a long hibernation, "No A-Holes" and the holeless "A" icon have been available on merchandise online since 2018.

Demonstrative Doodling

Whiteboards, sticky notes, memos, forms, notebooks: all you need is a writing instrument to add the Peace Plan A icon to anything (that you own) or to scribble out the holes of existing "A"s.


Civic & Structural Applications 

Lots of existing "A"s out there, lots of holes to obscure. Introducing, the "NAH" decal concept.



Prolific prospective potential positive propaganda.

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